Ayam Goreng Mentega
Sweet Butter Chicken
Bahan (Ingredients) :
#200 gr dada ayam (200 gr chicken breast)
#1 jeruk nipis besar atau lemon (1 lime or lemon)
#2 sendok makan mentega (2 tbsp butter)
#1 bawang bombay (1 yellow onion)
#2 sendok makan kecap manis (2 tbsp sweet soya sauce)
#garam dan merica (salt and white pepper)
#minyak goreng secukupnya (oil for frying)
Persiapan (Preparation) :
*Potong-potong dadu dada ayam (Cut the chicken breast into square pieces)
*Peras 1/2 jeruk nipis dan campurkan dengan dada ayam, biarkan meresap 15 menit (Squeeze 1/2 of the lime, mix with the chicken, and let it marinated for 15 mins)
*Tiriskan (Dry the chicken)
*Goreng setengah matang (Fry until the chicken is half done)
*Sisihkan (Put aside)
Cara memasak (Directions) :
*Iris-iris bawang bombay (Slice the yellow onion)
*Panaskan mentega hingga meleleh (Melt the butter)
*Masukkan bawang bombay, masak hingga harum (Throw in yellow onion, cook until it's fragrance)
*Masukkan ayam yang sudah digoreng setengah matang (Add the half-cooked chicken)
*Masukkan kecap manis, aduk rata (Add sweet soya sauce, mix well)
*Bumbui dengan garam dan merica secukupnya (Season with salt and white pepper)
*Masak hingga ayam masak, pindahkan ke piring saji (Cook until the chicken is done and put it in the serving plate)
*Peras 1/2 jeruk nipis yang tersisa, aduk rata (Squeeze the rest 1/2 of lime, mix well)
*Sajikan (Serve)
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