
Resep Ayam Goreng Mentega / Sweet Butter Chicken Recipe

Chicken. Who doesn't love it? Easy to cook and affordable. Healthy and low on fat. This recipe today is one of the recipe I've been cooking since I was in high school. One of the recipe that I experimented again and again, until I get the perfect taste of it. Give it a try, you'll like it! Enjoy cooking.

Ayam Goreng Mentega
Sweet Butter Chicken

Bahan (Ingredients) :
#200 gr dada ayam (200 gr chicken breast)
#1 jeruk nipis besar atau lemon (1 lime or lemon)
#2 sendok makan mentega (2 tbsp butter)
#1 bawang bombay (1 yellow onion)
#2 sendok makan kecap manis (2 tbsp sweet soya sauce)
#garam dan merica (salt and white pepper)
#minyak goreng secukupnya (oil for frying)

Persiapan (Preparation) :
*Potong-potong dadu dada ayam (Cut the chicken breast into square pieces)
*Peras 1/2 jeruk nipis dan campurkan dengan dada ayam, biarkan meresap 15 menit (Squeeze 1/2 of the lime, mix with the chicken, and let it marinated for 15 mins)
*Tiriskan (Dry the chicken)
*Goreng setengah matang (Fry until the chicken is half done)
*Sisihkan (Put aside)

Cara memasak (Directions) :
*Iris-iris bawang bombay (Slice the yellow onion)
*Panaskan mentega hingga meleleh (Melt the butter)
*Masukkan bawang bombay, masak hingga harum (Throw in yellow onion, cook until it's fragrance)
*Masukkan ayam yang sudah digoreng setengah matang (Add the half-cooked chicken)
*Masukkan kecap manis, aduk rata (Add sweet soya sauce, mix well)
*Bumbui dengan garam dan merica secukupnya (Season with salt and white pepper)
*Masak hingga ayam masak, pindahkan ke piring saji (Cook until the chicken is done and put it in the serving plate)
*Peras 1/2 jeruk nipis yang tersisa, aduk rata (Squeeze the rest 1/2 of lime, mix well)
*Sajikan (Serve)

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